Become a Member

Join Now!

  • $10.00 - one year membership
  • $20.00 - three year membership
  • $30.00 - five year membership

What are you waiting for? Graphic Arts Club Mascot operates as a registered club under the registered club act so you need to be a member if you live within a 5 km radius – that’s the law. Members, guests and visitors from outside the 5km radius are entitled to enter the club as a temporary member, but are subject to certain provisions.

Please note that if you select a 1 year membership your membership will expire on 31st December this year. (In fact all memberships expire at the end of the calendar year they are paid up to.)

Please be aware that the Monthly GAC Rewards Vouchers and any other Vouchers or Coupons do not apply on existing already discounted Food & Beverage promotions such as Monday Night Rump Steak & Tight-Arse Tuesday Dinner

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QR code to check SSGAC membership

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5km radius from SSGAC

5km radius from SSGAC